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eclipse vitamin c + niacinamide serum - desert moon

our eclipse vitamin c + niacinamide serum is a must for all skincare regimens. we combined a 2-in-1 product using vitamin c + niacinamide to elevate your skin. our serum will slow the aging of skin, prevent sun damage + improve the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, reduce pore size, reduce acne + so much more.


why should you add our eclipse vitamin c + niacinamide serum to your regimen?

our eclipse serum contains vitamin c which is an antioxidant -  meaning it fights harmful free radicals (toxins) that come in contact with your skin from external sources like air pollution or from inside the body as a result of normal processes like your metabolism. free radicals can damage the skin however, applying our serum can combat free radicals + may improve the skin's overall appearance. vitamin c is not all created the same for example: l-ascorbic acid has emerged as the most researched form of vitamin c, but it may be too strong for sensitive skin. sodium ascorbyl phosphate serves as a gentler alternative that still packs in the benefits. the benefits of vitamin C can also be increased when it’s combined with other ingredients such as niacinamide. niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 and is known for its soothing properties + high antioxidant levels. niacinamide is a derivative of niacin - a vitamin that your body requires in order to produce energy. when it comes to our eclipse serum, we added niacinamide for various reasons but one big one is to help repair the skin’s natural barrier, brighten skin tone + reduce excess sebum (oil).


benefits to adding our eclipse serum: provides hydration, can brighten your skin, can reduce redness + irritation, can reduce hyperpigmentation, can reduce the appearance of under-eye circles, promotes collagen production, may help prevent sagging + the appearance of fine lines + wrinkles, may protect against sun damage, may soothe sunburns, may help wound healing, can reduce the look of dark spots & reduce the appearance of pores.


who is it for?

anyone who is looking to reduce acne, pore size, help with hyperpigmentation, sun spots + any skin concerns listed above. good for all skin types.


how to use:

before applying your creams, apply to your skin + neck. recommended for pm use however, can be used for am + pm but an SPF needs to be applied over top.


why the name eclipse vitamin c + niacinamide serum?

being our moon collection, eclipses are big moments of change, transformation + illumination & that is exactly what this serum embodies. the moon represents our emotions + our unconscious so as you use our eclipse serum in your regimen, we invite you to reflect internally, to embrace new opportunities that are coming your way + deal with the past themes from your life. to use our products in a self-care ritual.


made with love + intention. medical grade skincare. tried, true + tested by skincare professionals. 30 ml. comes in a pump.

eclipse vitamin c + niacinamide serum - desert moon

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