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yin + yang balancing serum - desert moon

our yin + yang balancing serum blends nature + science to unlock a bright & clear complexion with a new technology of terpinen-4-ol. this combines three forms of tea tree using an extract, hydrofoil + essential oil for ultimate bioavailability. this combination with pine extract provides superior antioxidants to soothe + protect the integrity of the skin barrier which = a balanced pH.


why should you add our yin + yang balancing serum to your regimen?

our yin + yang balancing serum uses new & advanced technology such as terpinen-4-ol which also, increases the activity of your white blood cells, which help fight germs + other foreign invaders. these bacteria fighting properties make tea tree oil a valued natural remedy for treating bacterial + fungal skin conditions, preventing infection & promoting healing. this is the perfect product for those struggling with active breakouts, acne or who are looking to balance the pH of their skin.


with pine extract as another main ingredient - it is great for increasing the production of hyaluronic acid + collagen which is great for anti-aging. our yin + yang balancing serum is packed with vitamins, polyphenols + other phytonutrients.


who is it for?

if you have breakouts or struggle with acne, this is the perfect product to add to your regimen. good for all skin types.


how to use:

before applying your creams, apply to your skin + neck. good for am/pm use.


why the name yin + yang balancing serum?

being our moon collection, yin + yang is all about finding balance within the positives & negatives. it begins with nothing + transforms into everything. yin symbolizes the feminine + yang is the masculine which in turn balance holistically. 

yin-yang represents a dynamic balance of opposing but complementary + interconnected forces, known as chi or qi. the ancient yin-yang principle observes that in all aspects of the physical world, there is duality. therefore, there is also an element of the nonphysical world—that which we do not see but feel + sense. yin (black) aspect of yin-yang represents grounded Earth energy: it is receptive, cool + dark (hello black labels) + tied to the moon, the oceans + the shade. it is associated with feminine energy.


made with love + intention. medical grade skincare. tried, true + tested by skincare professionals. 30 ml.

yin + yang balancing serum - desert moon

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